Quietly Contemplating Continuation

Photo by George Becker from Pexels

Quietly contemplating continuation
Which way will wisdom grow
Will writing veer life
Shall sonnets soul spark show

Release old rules too relied on
Prepare for passions power
Find a faint force of freedom
Soak in shimmering star showers

Play with your Phoenix power
Follow fantasies fever frisson
Trust in true talking hearts
Moon-madness magic mission


Mind off on other things, I’ve decided to take a step back and allow myself to relax, take stock of everything written last year. Contemplate where I want my creativity to go next.

I’ll still participate in a few prompts, but for the duration of January my focus will be on other things.

Photo by Phil Kallahar from Pexels

The Flame of Awareness

Image Source

The flame of awareness
Never wavers, never dims

Always there to guide us
Teach compassion, teach love’s no sin

Even bottled up it steers us
Sudden insights, intuition flashing

Drives us to learn lessons
Again and again

Dare to reach for that sacred flame
Passions revealed, life path gained

Honour the will to search within
Open space, draw breath in

Approach with love, tenderly
Let truth free you, let truth win


Written for this weeks prompt over at The Sunday Muse.

Ten steps – Then Calm

Ten steps
Then calm

Close your eyes
Feel yourself receiving and returning a loved one’s smile

Nine steps
Find peace

Stay in that space
Between heartbeats and breaths we our truth face

Eight steps
Weight lifts

In the present now
We can view all our hearts and souls know

Seven steps
Awaken love

Hidden down deep
Unconditional love, even if we a sea weep

Six steps
Mystics accept

Intuitive smarts
Everything is more than its individual parts

Five steps
Arrive home

Let compassion dawn
Whatever traumas you’ve undergone

Four steps
Adore imagination

Seek inspiration
Follow your passions for a stable life foundation

Three steps
Free mind

Inner critics disallow
Stand straight and survivor proud

Two steps
Renew energy

See your safe place
Sacred groove of wisdom embrace

One step

Whatever you’re feeling
Relax and recharge in the pool of healing

You’re here

Drawn by Goddess song
Back where you come from, back where you belong


Written very late for this weeks Sunday Muse.


Trigger warning!


After trauma, borderlines grow sharp
Like blood in the waters to a hungry shark

What was once fields of exploration
Now minefields of trigger detonations

In the beginning was boldness and lust for life
Today’s there’s fear driven meekness,
drawing another breath a daily strife


After abuse the heart grow brittle hard
Like shattered porcelain glued together shard by shard

What once held a child’s ability to love and trust
Now a lonely desert of full of crushed dream dust

Once there were hope and the seed of true self-compassion and love
Today there’s a sad lost soul floundering about like a wing clipped dove.


Moonbeams and Moon Dreams


There once was a girl, with unruly strawberry curls. Eyes that shone with curiousity, a mind that learned willingly. A spirit strong and free, shining starlight for all to see.

Her companion were utterly dull, one that seems to death perpetually mull. Together they made an odd pair, one darkest night, the other moonbeam fair. The town loon, called them the faces of the Moon.

Always together, like forever and ever. Knowing each others ways, knowing what the other will say. So mostly they said naught, keeping the knowledge Selene taught.

How to hallow your waxing and waning. How to grow and keep wisdom gaining. In their dreams they sleep with the moon. Receiving the Goddess boon. Her love and care, inspired passion that anything dares.

Follow your heart, make your dreams start. Live life by Aphrodite’s sacrament. Love free and be thoughtfully compassionate.

© RedCat

Inspired by this week’s line at dVerse Prosey. Where were challenged to incorporate a specific line into a 144 words piece.

“In their dreams
they sleep with the moon.”–From Mary Oliver, “Death at Wind River”


Solitude and I

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Abandoned and abused, I grew to fear you
But in truth, I where reared by you

Bullied as other, ostracized by my peers
Alone with daily jeers, leers and snears
Childhood and adolescence, year after year
Branding me as strange and queer

Yours the only company to keep me near
Convincing me I’m a mere shadow
Not really alive, not supposed to be here

Developed intimate knowledge of all your tiers
As loneliness you have tooth and claws that tear
Lead chains that trust steer
Forged by every untruth spear
Betrayal heart and soul sear
Invisible barriers separating, from those you hold dear

Dark lonely nights your visits I fear
Haunted hours filled with tears
Leaving me hollow and sheer
As pale dawn washes the heavens clear

After becoming a mother, I’ve started to befriend you, we’re
Old pals, whatever the history, that’s clear
Nowadays I even hold our moments dear
Filled with new knowledge, hope and trust
I’ll never again from my own side veer

All that I seek
I can find within my own heart soul sphere


This piece where not something I wished to write, but perhaps needed to write, as whatever I thought about the subject solitude – that I express both it and loneliness quite often – got drowned out by this piece rhymes running in loops in my mind.

In the prompt Björn writes;
In today’s situation of social distancing, we all have taken a crash course in loneliness, and when learning to cope. Today I would like you to write about your own experience with how you find strength in solitude or how you still struggle with loneliness.

Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com

Valborg 2020

Public domain

This year, only the weather is as it use to be. So instead of a big fire, a walk in the twilight woods, listening to birds singing.

Content in the knowledge that I managed to achieve a goal, even if depression still rules my life. I’ve written 30 poems in 30 days during GloPoWriMo. Even though I published a bit less other pieces I’ve still managed to write way more this month than I have before.

Going forward I will set up time to rest and not write unless inspiration strikes, but will keep pushing myself to write something all other days, to keep chipping away at those ten thousand hours you need.

I see no way the world can just resume as it was, and anyhow my world where already going trough seismic changes, so I’m grateful for this push to restart positively with a months writing challenge, building my confidence, that maybe I can do this. Instead of sinking deep in all the misery around.

May you be happy!

May you be healthy!

May you be inspired!

May you be safe!

May you be at peace!

Loving Kindness Meditation
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Just To Be Thankful — Phoebe, MD: Medicine + Poetry

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough …and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and […]

Just To Be Thankful — Phoebe, MD: Medicine + Poetry

Since I recently started writing gratitude lists, this poem spoke a bit extra to me.

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