Happy New Year! ❤️

© RedCat

Happy New Year to all of you! ❤️

This year have been different and difficult, not only due to the pandemic.

I found the courage to truly persue my writing dream deciding to take a leap year and go for creative writing classes.
I learnt things about myself I never thought possible. Both that I have more strength and courage than I thought and that apparently I’m neurodiverse. (Still processing that one.)
I got to know, connected with, got close to, new people who have taught me about myself, taught me to appreciate myself, and given me more love and care than my trauma wrought mind thinks I deserve.
I won’t make any new years resolutions but I’ve already wowed to keep writing, keep exploring my inborn strength, keep searching for the right way to pay forward the love and care I’ve been given and keep searching for the most effective way as an ascender to ensure as few children as possible will know the kind of abuse I knew (or any of the other kind available to abusers).

Take care of yourself and through action, not just words, show those you care about your love! ❤️

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