Trigger warning


My plan was to publish part 2 of Belonging, but for two reasons it’ll have to wait.
The first reason, and I’ll have to watch myself so this is not a form of hiding my hurt, is that I’m not pleased with the text, something is missing from it, it requires more work. The second reason is that I’ve realized during the past week this post will have to be written sooner rather then later.

So here it is in bold letters…

Be forewarned!

My life story is full of triggers!

Ouch. That hurt to put in text…

I’m sorry to say that it’s true. If you become a reader of mine, expect to read about trauma, abuse and all the harrowing consequences thereof. You can also expect strong opinions, language full of antiquated words and sometimes some adult content.

If that’s not your cup of tea. Find another blog to read.

However if you’ll like, and can stomach, to share in my journey I’ll be eternally grateful to the universe for crossing our paths. Because lately I’ve come to realize that hiding who I am and what has made me this way might have been a sound strategy once, but has since become something that keeps me trapped, unable to shed all and move on.
And I’ve known in my heart for years that this is the story I have to tell if I ever want to be a writer, I’ve just been to afraid and to alone, to even dare try.

I’m done with that!

Even if I still feel afraid to expose myself, still feel alone and without friends to lean on.

Fuck your fears, I’ve heard others say, so I decided to try that.

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