Morpheus Speaks – Flash Fiction

Welcome to the labyrinth of dreams. Here the hallways twist and turn, intersections changing place at the speed of thoughts. Doors switch location in the blink of an eye.

You’ll travel here every night of your life. So there’s plenty of time to get to know the place.

Beware of old nightmares skulking in the shadows. They’ll stalk hesitant dreamers, hunt them with figments of their darkest fantasies. Watch out for time vortexes that’ll trap you in flashback loops as the real world moves on.

The intrepid explorer will in time form a thought-feel map of the place. Able to move between emotional spaces. Learn what a dream teaches, then move on to the next. The unaware wanderer is prey to the tug of war between nightmares and sweet dreams.

Remember! Crucial to finding the way is this: there is no beginning or end.

© RedCat

Tonight it’s time for a monthly favorite at dVerse – Prosery. Where we write prose, not poetry, incorporating a given line from another work and not exceeding 144 words. 

Tonight’s line is “Crucial to finding the way is this: there is no beginning or end.” from Joy Harjo’s “A Map to the Next World.” I strongly recommend reading the poem, it blew me away!

Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

15 thoughts on “Morpheus Speaks – Flash Fiction

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  1. I love your description of Morpheus’ dreamland. I can see all of that about it. I like the idea of dreams being a series of puzzles to decipher to get through it which will be useful as well in the waking hours.

  2. A cautionary meditation. Losing all sense of time is the scariest part of dreams, everything muddled in a “time vortex” and “flashback loops.”

  3. This is really interesting because I do feel like I am more ‘in control’ of my dreams nowadays. As in, I get less nightmares, and normally wake up before anything horrible happens. The dreams seem to be trying to sort out any stresses in my life. I like how you used labyrinths as well!

  4. Love your dream take! “Watch out for time vortexes that’ll trap you in flashback loops as the real world moves on.” Lots of truth here! Dreams can teach us so much, not to mention poetry! 💗

  5. This is gorgeously rendered! I believe that one experiences such dreams due to unresolved feelings or ache that’s been buried deep… especially resonate with; “Watch out for time vortexes that’ll trap you in flashback loops as the real world moves on.” Yes! 💝💝

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