Blackbirds Dusk Sings


As the blackbirds dusk sings

Breathing the last rays of light peace brings

Stills my always racing busy mind

So I can the inner center find

Flooding my heart with love and hope

The sustenance I need to with life’s difficulties cope


Monday’s Haibun prompt, telling us to focus our writing on the present moment made me realise deep in my bones how much I (once again) lost my meditation practice and need to regain it. So a little walk tonight in the twilight to breathe and collect my thoughts after a busy day. And as always when I manage to do that words spill out of me demanding to be written. Another reason to get back on the meditation track.

I have not altered the light, in either picture, that is Swedish spring twilight. The first one cherry blossoms shortly before nine pm yesterday. The other was taken down by the water about two months ago.

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